The winners of Smålandskavlen are invited to Danish Spring

The relay season was finished this weekend with Smålandskavlen near Växjö. As the winter approaches, most orienteers will use the time to get ready for the upcoming season.  We are getting ready to kick the season off with Danish Spring 2013 in Gribskov, and we have offered the winners in H/D 21 and H/D 16 free entry in the relay. So there will be no excuse to see if they can begin the new season on such a high note, as they finished this season. Just like Smålandskavlen, Danish Spring is a relay where both men and women run night courses.

The winners where handed vouchers for their entry in Danish Spring at the price giving ceremony, and the winners were:


Kalevan Rasti in H 21

OK Pan Århus in D 21

Tullinge SK in H 16

Korsnäs IF OK in D 16


We will keep you updated with news about which teams you can compete against in Danish Spring.